AMAGA Service

Office Cleaning

Office cleaning isn’t just about flooring and windows. There are very many dirty places and things in offices that are commonly overlooked by regular cleaning companies. If you want the best office cleaning services Vermont, you should choose a cleaning company that cleans these eight places and items in your office.

Amaga Cleaning Service. The best office cleaning service in Vermont

Desks – A recent study suggests that the average office desk has more dirt and germs (400 times more) than a toilet seat. Visualizations in the study reveal the presence of deadly germs like helicobacter pylori, E-coli, Staphylococcus aureus, among many others on the typical office desk. What’s more shocking is these germs are present even on office desks that are cleaned regularly. So, where’s the disconnect? While most office desks are wiped regularly, cleaning is focused on the surface. The study also reveals that some desks are dirtier than others in a typical office i.e., sales and marketing staff have the dirtiest desks.

Copy machine – Almost everyone in an office uses the copy machine. Copy machine covers and buttons are among the dirtiest parts of copy machines for obvious reasons – they are touched by almost everyone throughout the day but tend to be ignored during cleaning. Also, most office cleaning services don’t know how to clean copiers properly. Furthermore, even in the cleanest offices, majority of the workers (80% to 90%) still go to work with flues and stomach bugs, which are easily spread through contact and using shared office items like copiers.

Office kitchens – Most offices have common kitchens. Although an office kitchen is supposed to be one of the cleanest, if not the cleanest places in an office, studies pointed out a shocking picture. According to one such study measuring the contamination levels in offices across the U.S., traces of adenosine triphosphate exceeding healthy levels were found on microwave door handles, break room faucets as well as sinks. This is terrible and it has been found to lead to the increase the risk of spreading the germs to people at the office.

Office sinks & Faucets– Office sinks and faucets were found to be the dirtiest with microwave door handles following closely. Other studies reveal equally dirty office kitchen items like coffee pot handles. In fact, one study has found coffee pot handles to harbor bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Studies tracking the spread of germs in the office have also revealed that germs usually end up on coffee pot handles. This study highlights the importance of contracting an office cleaning service that cleans your office thoroughly.

Elevator buttons – Elevator buttons are another hidden source of germs in offices. Most offices have an elevator that everyone uses several times a day. According to a study done to investigate the cleanliness of elevator buttons, 61% of all elevator buttons were found to have germs (microbiological growth) over a 10-day study period. What’s shocking is the study was conducted in hospital elevators, which are expected to be cleaner than office elevators. Furthermore, the study showed toilet surfaces to be cleaner than elevator buttons (61% vs. 41% cleaner). Amaga Cleaning Service can clean every corner and every button your office has and will keep you out of catching those germs because we will kill before they get you.